
Showing posts from 2016
Glory To God Glory to God - His Creation and Works Honor, praise, renown, distinction - all are words synonymous with glory. As a manifestation of the work of His hands, all creation brings glory to God. In  Genesis 1:31  we read, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day." Psalm 19:1  says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." God's very work praises Him and brings Him glory. Glory to God is displayed through His mighty actions.  Psalm 111:3 , "Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever." In  Psalm 138:5  we read, "May they sing of the ways of the LORD, for the glory of the LORD is great." Exodus 15:11  says, "Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is like you - majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?" No one can accomplish what God can. He is above and beyond
JESUS The world knows that 2,000 years ago a man named Jesus came from the town of Nazareth in what is now called Israel. He traveled about the region and gaine d a large following. After a few years, the religious leaders in Jerusalem falsely accused him of crimes and handed him over to the Roman authorities. They executed him by nailing him to a cross. A short time later, his followers preached in the name of Jesus Christ, whom they said rose from the dead. More and more followers were added to this movement which has become the Christian church of today. These are the facts upon which even the greatest skeptic will agree. But there is so much more to Jesus than that. Where he came from, what he did on earth, what he can do for us now is all revealed in the Bible. This book contains the only record of Jesus and was written by the generation of people who heard him teach and saw his deeds. Here is what the Bible teaches us about Jesus Christ: 1. JESUS IS GOD. John wrote ab


THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE predicted by Our Lady in Garabandal in 1961 will take place soon to save the world. THE WARNING New prophecies received by European Visionary reveal global events in the lead up to the Second Coming WHY IS THE WARNING TAKING PLACE? •To prove to all that God exists. •To bring everyone back to Jesus and the way of the truth. •To dilute the impact of sin and evil in the world through conversion. •To help save us before the final day of judgement by giving us a chance to ask for forgiveness for the sins we have committed. •To convert non-believers who would have no chance of redemption without this great act of mercy. •To strengthen the faith of believers. WHAT WILL HAPPEN DURING THE WARNING •Every one over the age of 7 will experience a private mystical encounter with Jesus Christ which will last anything up to 15 minutes •It is a gift from God the Father to convert people back to the truth. It is how the Final Day of Judgement will unfold only t


Every single person on earth was born without spirit as a consequence for man's disobedience back in Genesis and will die because of it. There is nothing anyone can do to raise themselves from this condition of death. No one can beat his chest, march up to God and demand eternal life because they are so nice to everyone. The only way out of death is to be born again and accept what God has made freely available. Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: God blessed us with all spiritual blessings. God did it. These blessings come with the new birth. When we are born into God's family, these blessings come wrapped up with the Christ in us. With sonship comes all spiritual blessings. With sonship comes rights. When we are born into God's family, for example, from that moment we are holy and without bl

Huu nimkono wa Mungu by Ambele Mwakasaka

Is Jesus the sun of God

How are things going on this side

God is good


God is not moved by your tears or your crying. He is moved by his word. Be full of his word. Let your prayers are full of the word because God is always faithful to fulfil his word. When you are full of the word, you will stop complaining and murmuring over what you go through because you will know that it's only a matter of time that those situations will align themselves with what the word of God says. Love the word of God more than you love money, food, your children, your wife,  your husband, job etc. Let the word of God become your food. When the devil starts speaking in your situations, use the word of God to answer back. Jesus used the word of God to silence the devil in the wilderness. Never underestimate the power and value of the word. God himself has exalted his word above his name. Be full of the word of God.
Who is God? God is the creator of mankind and He loves you. You were created by Him and He knows everything about you. You were made to have a relationship with God. We were created to have a relationship with God. But that relationship was broken when we disobeyed God. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; God is perfect, we are not. Since perfection is unobtainable for us that made God unobtainable. Sin separates us from God. Since God is the source of life separation from Him means death. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin  is  death; but the gift of God  is  eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus came to save us. God fixed this and He sent His Son in order to pay the penalty for our sins. Now through faith in Jesus Christ our relationship with God can be restore
Ambele Mwakasaka Nipeke yako
Ambele Mwakasaka Nipeke yako
God knows what is good and bad for us, and He has recorded this information in the Bible to save us from the heartache and suffering that the wrong choices—what the Bible calls sins—bring. But humanity as a whole has chosen to try to discover right and wrong by trial and error. Even worse, most people choose to experiment for themselves, not even learning from the mistakes of others! Jesus Christ summarized the right way in two great commandments : Love for God and love for others ( Matthew 22:37-40 ). This basic approach is further defined by the great law God thundered from Mount Sinai—the 10 Commandments. The rest of the Bible further magnifies the holy, just and good law of God. It reveals a way of life that produces great benefits in this life and that is a prerequisite to entering eternal life ( Matthew 19:17 ). How can we know how to love God except He tells us? How can we avoid the pitfalls of human relationships unless we accept
Ten Commandments
His Rightful Place The one asking this question is pondering the depths of what it means to call Jesus “Lord”.  More than just giving a proper title, to state Jesus is MY  Lord says something about who He is and what my relationship is to Him. Some will state “Jesus is my Lord and Savior” which may be so (See Romans 10:9 ), but He is  only  your savior if He is truly the  Lord  of your life. That is, if my belief and life does not reflect Jesus has His appropriate place of honor in my life, I likely am not going to be a recipient of the salvation He offers.